Saturday, August 11, 2018

COMPARATIVE - GE NAMS-24/2018-19 Tender Id: 2018_MES_203779_1

BOQ Summary Details
Tender Title: MAINT WORK
Tender Id: 2018_MES_203779_1
Tender Inviting Authority: GE NAMS
Name of Work : Certain repair to OTM Accn of 6023,289 ASC and 18 CAV under AGE B/R- II at NAMS.
Contract No:  GE NAMS-24/2018-19
Sheet Name Sl.No Bidder Name Amount Bid Rank
BoQ1 1 Santokh Singh and Associates 2648005.00 L1
2 Chander Mohan Arora Contractor 2847200.00 L2
3 Ghuman Builders 2861415.00 L3
4 Mahajan construction company 2892675.00 L4
5 ESS KAY BUILDER 2978555.00 L5
6 tarlok singh contractor 2991760.00 L6
7 M/s Vijay Construction Co. 3136315.00 L7
8 GORAYA AND CO 3188562.80 L8
9 m/s. gopal krishan 3314315.00 L9