Monday, September 23, 2019

COMPARATIVE - M/s kulwant singh and sons - GE GSR-08/2019-2020 - Tender ID: 2019_MES_255962_3

BOQ Summary Details

Tender Title: Term contract for artificer work under AGE B/R-I at Gurdaspur, DBN, Shikar and Batala.

Tender ID: 2019_MES_255962_3
Tender Inviting Authority: Garrison Engineer
Name of Work:Term Contract for artificer work  under AGE  B/R-I at Gurdaspur, DBN, Shikar and Batala.
Contract No:  GE GSR-08/2019-2020
Sheet Name Sl.No Bidder Name Amount Bid Rank
BoQ1 1 M/s kulwant singh and sons 820000.00 L1
2 pp builders 839900.00 L2
3 om parkash and sons 850000.00 L3