BOQ Summary Details Tender Title: Maint Works Tender Id: 2018_MES_193368_1 |
Inviting Authority: GE NAMS |
of Work : Periodical services to Md Accn under AGE B/R-II at NAMS. |
Contract No: GE NAMS-22/2018-19 |
Sheet Name | Sl.No | Bidder Name | Amount | Bid Rank |
BoQ1 | 1 | H.B AND CO. | 2789980.00 | L1 |
2 | M/s Vijay Construction Co. | 2929760.00 | L2 | |
3 | JOGRAJ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY | 3022910.00 | L3 | |
4 | tarlok singh contractor | 3231890.00 | L4 | |
5 | Mahajan construction company | 3233280.00 | L5 | |
6 | M/S MAHAJAN CONSTRUCTION CO | 3285240.00 | L6 | |
7 | Ms Hari Deva Builders | 3349990.00 | L7 |